To us, the right way is whatever it takes to create the best tasting product while adhering to our core values of natural ingredients, clean labels and sourcing. Sometimes it means going beyond the expected. It means a company culture of listening to our clients and over-delivering on their expectations. It means giving back to our community. It's a process we feel good about, that is purely Cookie Cupboard, and we just wouldn't want to do it any other way. There are easier ways to make gourmet dough, but no better way.
Our made from scratch cookie doughs are made by hand using only the finest and freshest ingredients, including premium chocolates, slow-churned butter, and fresh eggs. Try our Peanut Butter Cookie with freshly roasted and ground peanuts. Real ingredients. No preservatives. No trans fats. We carefully evaluate every ingredient so you don't have to.
Cookie Cupboard Gourmet Dough™ is a proud member of the following organizations.
Cookie Cupboard's baking equipment is BISSC CERTIFIED. The Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee (BISSC) was formed in 1949 to create standards for the design and construction of bakery equipment.
Cookie Cupboard Gourmet Dough™ is proud to uphold the highest standards in food service and safety.
We are audited by the F.D.A., U.S.D.A., Ohio Department of Agriculture, and by third party audits.
To ensure that your delivery travels and arrives at the correct temperature, our transport has continuous temperature monitoring.
• ODA Inspected and Licensed
• FDA Registered Food Facility
• Quality Control Program
• PCQI Certified Employees
• FSMA Preventive Controls Compliant
• 3rd Party GMP Certified
• Ingredient and Supplier Verification Programs
• Allergen Management Program
• Nutrition Facts Panel
• Metal Detection
• Glass and Brittle Plastic Control Program
• Lot Tracking & Centralized Recall System
• Recipe Security
We scored an amazing 99.36% on our 2024 food safety audit! Thanks and congratulations to the entire Cookie Cupboard team for the continuing commitment to excellence!
Cookie Cupboard’s commitment to food safety and quality can be seen at every step.
We take food safety seriously.
It takes a great baker to make a great cookie, but it takes a smart baker to make a safe cookie.
We care about the health and safety of our customers and recognize that adverse reactions to food allergens can be avoided by giving clear and accurate allergen disclosures.
Food defense extends beyond the traditional food safety concerns and focuses on preventing intentional tampering and fraud.
FMSA 204 requires companies to keep additional records for designated foods to protect public health, and to be compliant by January 20, 2026.
At Cookie Cupboard, doing things the right way extends to our environmental position. Of course, we recycle all of our cardboard and paper at our facility. Beyond that, we are always looking for ways to reduce the environmental footprint for customers and in house.
REDUCE. Our packaging has been engineered to hold more product which equals less waste for our customers. We sometimes get as many as 400 cookies per box, saving clients money, space, and waste.
REUSE. To see how far we go, read our Lime Coconut cookie story for how we use the whole lime – zest, juice and all. Zero food waste.
RECYCLE. We created Cookies for Coats™ in support of the Metanoia Project, where our cookie dough over-runs become rewards for those who make donations.
© Cookie Cupboard Gourmet Dough™
Ellen's Cupboard™ Handcrafted Cookies
7600 Wall Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44125
Website : Unity Design, Inc. Icons : Font Awesome